Minutes of Steering Committee Meeting No.7
- [HP] Heidi Perrett
- [JB] Justin Baker
- [MS] Manodeep Sinha (Chair)
- [NL] Nooriyah Poonawala-Lohani
- [NM] Nicholas May
- [RL] Rebecca Lange
- [VH] Vicky Hellon (Associate Publisher, F1000Research)
For the detailed agenda see: GitHub Issue 12
1. Approval of Previous Minutes
See link: Minutes from Meeting No.6 - Passed unanimously.
Completed and updated actions carried forward.
- [HP] Contact Rowland Mosbergen about pictures from the eResAus 2019 workshop - done
- [HP, NL] Gather content from Workshop and BoF at eResAus 2019 and eResNZ 2020 (done) and create a post (or posts) from the content.
- The committee agreed that the post should be shared with the participants and the RSE-AUNZ community, via the website, google group, and participants email list.
- [MS] Investigate a potential relationship between RSE-AUNZ and F1000Research - done.
- [NM] Share logo and branding details with NL. - done
2. Discussion of Events for 2020
The committee reviewed the Tricider poll and agreed that the platform was sufficient for our needs. Furthermore, it was agreed that:
- The top voted topic should be progress with the ARDC as our first event.
- Other topics should be expanded with more detail, as examples.
- The poll should be shared so that the wider RSE-AUNZ community can contribute and vote.
3. F1000Research
The committee has been contacted by F1000Research to explore a potential collaboration around promoting open research.
VH was invited to present a brief talk about F1000Research to the Steering Committee, and discuss potential collaborations. The key point are as follows:
- F1000Research are an open access publisher, primarily for science.
- Their platform also provides publishing gateways for projects and funding agencies, and support for collections.
- They would like to expand the platform support for publishing software tools.
- The benefits of their publishing process include:
- Speed - approx. 14 days from submission to an initial publication.
- Flexibility - accepts different research outputs, including software tools, with credit for all types.
- Transparent - open review process. (Like JOSS).
- Software Tools submissions use a
- Additional integrations include: CodeOcean, Plotly, RShiny, etc.
- Collections are free to set up and can be created for domains and platforms.
- The platform is funded by submissions.
- Submission cost is based on length.
- Non-peer reviewed submissions are free if they are submitted to a collection.
The committee commented that there may be a potential use-case for a ‘Research Software’ or ‘RSE’ specific collection. Further discussion about this use-case would be useful, and it was suggested that it might be beneficial to include the Research Software Alliance in this conversation.
4. Casual Vacancies
The committee received notice from Daniel Collins that he has resigned from the Steering Committee as of this meeting. The committee would like to thank Daniel for his valuable contribution to progressing the association and hope that he will stay connected with RSE-AUNZ in the future, if time pressures permit.
As of this meeting there are now two casual vacancies.
5. Any other business
- [All] Expand ideas submitted to the poll: https://www.tricider.com/admin/2rDIG9YkaPB/EFbYe3vgIwX
- [TBA] Commence planning for a virtual event about: “How to publicly share 100 TB’s of data with a Jupyter Notebook access”
- [NM] Share and publicize the poll with the RSE-AUNZ community.
- [All] Create posts for the website about outputs/results from the following:
- [NM] Create google docs for collaboration on posts.
- [HP] Oversee post: Workshop and BoF at eResAus 2019
- [NL] Oversee post: eResNZ 2020.
- [MS] Share lists of attendees for eResAus 2019 events.
- [All] Contribute to the posts.
- [NM] Investigate implementation of secure protocol for rse-aunz.org website.
- [NL] Invite the candidate (casual vacancy) to submit nomination information.
- [NM] Update website:
- Add approved minutes.
- Update steering committee membership.
- Add Posts (when available).
Deliverables - on hold.
- D1 (Manifesto): re-draft (if appropriate) and outline steps to advance.
- D7 (Survey): re-draft (if appropriate) and outline steps to advance.
- D2 (Personas): re-draft (if appropriate) and outline steps to advance.
- D4 (Web Presence): re-draft (if appropriate) and outline steps to advance.
- D5 (Meetings): re-draft (if appropriate) and outline steps to advance.
Next Meeting
Scheduled: 2pm (AEST) on Tuesday 28th July, 2020.
Notes: These minutes have been drafted under part of the Chatham House Rule. This promotes openness, and inclusion, by not attributing any specific comment to any individual/s. The exception is that participants are necessarily listed as attendees of the Steering Committee meeting.