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Summary of thread

Curated by Paula Andrea Martinez, last updated on 15 May 2023.

Location to submit code Domain Member name Comments
Bioconductor Bioinformatics Rowland Mosbergen packages review process
Journal of Open Source software ( cross-domain Simon Lewis Review criteria
JOSS General policies
ROpenSci cross-domain Denisse Programing language: R, there’s the rOpenSci co-working hours and the slack for questions
Astropy Project Astronomy Manodeep Sinha Programing language: Python
Instructions to contributing to astropy
Guidelines for code
sagemath Mathematics François Bissey FAQ contribute
nf-core Bioinformatics Tyrone Chen pipeline review
Ganga Particle physics Ulrik Egede Programing language: Python
Documentation - submit tasks
The software sustainability Institute (SSI) in the UK, provides a self assessment tool as a questionnaire, called “software Healthcheck” cross-domain Paula Andrea Martinez Example of the process of code review
The Journal of Open Research Software - JORS cross-domain Paula Andrea Martinez simple review
The Ersilia Model Hub, a repository of AI/ML models Infectious and neglected disease research Paula Andrea Martinez If you want to add your model to their platform it will be reviewed
CODECHECK is a process for independent execution of computations underlying scholarly research articles cross-domain Paula Andrea Martinez  
NeuroLibre : A preprint server for full-fledged reproducible neuroscience Neurosciences Paula Andrea Martinez NeuroLibre is a preprint server for neuroscience Jupyter Books, blending code, visualization and narrative text into one document. NeuroLibre archives the environment, code and data and also implements a technical review to ensure readers can reproduce the work.
A public list of resources on code review, rather than services cross-domain Paula Andrea Martinez  
Monash Data Fluency cross-domain Cynthia Huang Monash University community: can make use of coding drop-in hours. They’re a great way to meet other coders, but also to get feedback about your research software ideas
At universities, there’s usually one run by research services or the library cross-domain Cynthia Huang  
NUMBATS research group cross-domain Cynthia Huang runs an internal bi-weekly “hacky hour”, where we code together and help each other with tricky R problems
LAMMPS Molecular Dynamics Shern Tee Code is reviewed