Regular networking events hosted by RSE-AUNZ

We currently have three events, two in-person and one online.

All the in-person events will have a mini-poster with the RSE-AUNZ logo on the table:

logo of RSE-AUNZ with a qrcode to this events page

Please click on the links for more details:

You can see these events at the RSE-AUNZ Eventbrite page and follow.

Want to host a local catchup - please reach out to [email protected].

Annual conference - the RSE Asia Australia unconference

Every year in September we host a joint online event with the RSE Asia Association, for more details see the RSEAA website.

Events Calendar

This is a monthly calendar of all the events hosted by the RSE-AUNZ community.

Previous events

These are the previous events from RSE-AUNZ.