Minutes of Steering Committee Meeting No.8
- [HP] Heidi Perrett
- [JB] Justin Baker
- [MS] Manodeep Sinha
- [NL] Nooriyah Poonawala-Lohani (Chair)
- [NM] Nicholas May
- [RL] Rebecca Lange
For the detailed agenda see: GitHub Issue 13
1. Approval of Previous Minutes
See link: Minutes from Meeting No.7 - Passed unanimously.
2. Discussion of Online Events for 2020
The committee discussed the opportunities provided by presenting at this event and identified three potential contributions (and their target audiences):
- RSE Impact Stories (RSEs and eResearch Organizations): A session where RSEs can share personal stories about their roles that promote recognition of RSE contributions. Possibly as Lightning Talks.
- Tools and Techniques (RSEs): A session for RSEs to share use-cases for tools or skill sets, which they have used, to inform the RSE community. Possibly as Lightning Talks.
- RSE Strategy (eResearch Organizations): A BoF session to discuss the bigger picture of RSE in AUNZ, such as:
- the health of the community
- the ongoing collaborations between organizations in the RSE space
- growth and change in-line with our deliverables
3. Outstanding Actions - updates
- [NL] Commence planning for a virtual event about: - action assigned “How to publicly share 100 TB’s of data with a Jupyter Notebook access.”
- [NM] Share and publicize the poll with the RSE-AUNZ community. - done
- [All] Create posts for the website about outputs/results from the following:
- in progress
- [NM] Create google docs for collaboration on posts.
- [HP] Oversee post: Workshop and BoF at eResAus 2019
- [NL] Oversee post: eResNZ 2020.
- [MS] Share lists of attendees for eResAus 2019 events.
- [All] Contribute to the posts.
- [NM] Investigate implementation of secure protocol for rse-aunz.org website. - done. Not possible under current website deployment.
- [NL] Invite the candidate (casual vacancy) to submit nomination information. - done. Waiting on submissions.
- [NM] Update website: done
- Add approved minutes.
- Update steering committee membership.
- Add Posts (when available).
5. Any other business
- Podcast: NL has been invited to take part in a podcast called RSE Stories and will keep the committee informed about progress and proposed content.
- Election 2020: The scheduling of the next steering committee election was raised. NM committed to sharing the dates and process of 2019 election with the committee for discussion.
- A suggestion was made to introduce rolling half-committee elections with two year terms, to ensure ongoing continuity of activities. This issue of how this could be implemented in the 2020 election was deferred for further discussion.
- [NM] Schedule a special meeting to discuss eResearch Australasia 2020, and create a discussion document to share ideas.
- [NM] Share 2019 steering committee election process and dates.
- [All] Expand ideas submitted to the poll: https://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/33t2mlX7PGN
- [NL] Planning our first online event about: “How to publicly share 100 TB’s of data with a Jupyter Notebook access”
- [All] Create posts for the website about outputs/results from the following:
- [NM] Create google docs for collaboration on posts.
- [HP] Oversee post: Workshop and BoF at eResAus 2019
- [NL] Oversee post: eResNZ 2020.
- [MS] Share lists of attendees for eResAus 2019 events.
- [All] Contribute to the posts.
- [NM] Update website:
- Add approved minutes #7.
- Add Posts (when available).
Deliverables - on hold.
- D1 (Manifesto): re-draft (if appropriate) and outline steps to advance.
- D7 (Survey): re-draft (if appropriate) and outline steps to advance.
- D2 (Personas): re-draft (if appropriate) and outline steps to advance.
- D4 (Web Presence): re-draft (if appropriate) and outline steps to advance.
- D5 (Meetings): re-draft (if appropriate) and outline steps to advance.
Next Meeting
- Special: 2pm (AEST) on Monday 10th August, 2020
- Scheduled: 2pm (AEST) on Tuesday 25th August, 2020.
Notes: These minutes have been drafted under part of the Chatham House Rule. This promotes openness, and inclusion, by not attributing any specific comment to any individual/s. The exception is that participants are necessarily listed as attendees of the Steering Committee meeting.